Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

This year we hosted Thanksgiving at our house. I love making tons of food and our family always brings tons of food to share. I enjoy Thanksgiving more and more each year because it gives us a chance to reflect about what we have to be thankful for. Christmas is extended so far that it is easy to get caught up in the merchandising and demands of the season while forgetting what we already have. God has blessed us so much and Thanksgiving gives us a chance to pause and reflect on what we have been blessed with.

Here is my dad showing off our frying turkey. We injected the turkey with a butter, garlic, and herbs. The turkey was amazing.

These are two turkey breasts that we grilled. They were also amazing!

Logan examined the Black Friday adds and tried to plan his early morning shopping trip.

The day after Thanksgiving we went over to Paul and Laurie's house. Logan had a great time playing with Hadley! He calls her his "wittle broder" and says he is her "big sister". We are working on the vocab, but whatever he calls her, he loves her very much.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Scrappy Halloween

Happy Halloween!

Last year's bum outfit was a huge success. Everyone was asking us what we would be coming up with this year. Somehow we came up with the idea of a junk man. Logan loved it. The outfit was fun to put together and the scrapper truck was fun to build, decorate, and fill.
Jason built the "Scrapper Mobile" with the help of George Phillips. This thing was as stable as can be.

It says "Little Man, Scrap Toys & Junk Food Removal".

Logan loved his wagon. He was so excited about pulling it. We had to help him around the neighborhood.

He was so excited about getting candy! He went to the first couple of houses then he started running he was so excited.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Now it is offically Fall

Today we went to Edwards Orchard to pick apples. The weather was a little bit cool, but we bundled up and enjoyed the crisp fall day. At least it was sunny rather than windy. We went with friends (some who had kids) and our whole group had a great time.

This is Logan with Emma. She is about two and a half and he loved playing with her.

The goats just cracked up Logan. He really wanted to touch the horns but goat wouldn't let him. Finally, Logan got the horns then he tried to shake the poor little guy. I saved the goat and he blew kisses bye-bye.

Logan posing before we headed out to pick apples.

We had a total of six children with us at the orchard. This is a photo Lauren holding sister Brooke (left) and Emma holding sister Kate (right).

Jason and Logan picking apples together.

Emma and Logan ran screaming through the trees! What a great kid activity!

Logan loved picking the apples off the tree and eating them. He wasn't quite sure at first, but he defiantly got the hang of it!

No words -- Just perfect.

Again -- perfect!

Bonnie and Tim also joined us for the day. Tim and Todd hanging out in the large apple boxes.

After picking apples we got back on the tractor and headed back to the barn.

I don't know who lives in the house, but it is right next to the barn. Very picturesque.

This is the big barn. They sell apples, fudge, cheese, donuts, and crafts in the farm. They also make cider here. The barn and was destroyed a few years ago by a tornado. Obviously they have recovered quite nicely!

Family picture at the pumpkin patch.

Monday, October 12, 2009

It's been a while . . .

It has been a crazy spring and summer and we have had so much going on. I have been working at Life Time Fitness. I was the Junior summer camp supervisor and had a fun but exhausting summer. We played games, did crafts, swam, and went on some fun field trips. Jason worked hard and did the garden and outside of the house by himself this year. The yard looked great and we enjoyed having a great garden. Logan had a great time spending time with Jill Lagger who watched him while I was at camp. He also took a few visits to Michigan. It was good summer and but the blog has been neglected. Here are a few posts to try to catch you up.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Remebering Baby Logan

This is one of my favorite pictures of Logan. He was eating a cupcake and we were telling him about how he ate the cupcake on his first birthday. He carefully examined the picture then without our prompting he recreated the picture all on his own.